Lazy inlined constants


Those are two separate static expressions, and because a static expression runs once, this would be the result:

doPop();  // "c"
doPop();  // "c"
doPop();  // "c"

doPush(); // 4
doPush(); // 4
doPush(); // 4

The same as if you defined it like this:

const doPop = () => {
  return @( ["a", "b", "c"].pop() ) // expression inside parens runs once, evaluating to "c"

const doPush = () => {
  return @( ["a", "b", "c"].push("d") ) // expression inside parens runs once, evaluating to 4

It would be different if we did this:

const doPop = () => {
  return @( ["a", "b", "c"] ).pop() // static expression was the array only, the pop() always runs on each call

const doPush = () => {
  return @( ["a", "b", "c"] ).push("d") // static expression was the array only, the push() always runs on each call


doPop();  // "c"
doPop();  // "b"
doPop();  // "a"
doPop();  // undefined

doPush(); // 4
doPush(); // 5
doPush(); // 6

I would prefer the syntax not to change semantics of the declared objects, so I'd you wanted a constant array you would need to be explicit about that:

function foo() {
  return thing ?? @Object.freeze([])

or with static syntax:

function foo() {
  return thing ?? static Object.freeze([])

Yeah it is, that array can be mutated and it is a different reference each time.

Sure, all the discussed use cases can be achieved today. F.e.:

globalThis.defaultArray = []

function foo() {
  return thing ?? defaultArray

This is about nice sugar. Plus this new syntax has an advantage: the static expressions or variables are lexically scoped, whereas a const or global var is polluting the outer scope. The sugar keeps things more concise without affecting outer scope.