Ternary Comparison Assignment Operators

@ethanlal04 @theScottyJam @lightmare @lightmare @graphemecluster @alinnert Hi all! Is it possible to do that? ternary Comparison Assignment Operators with Concurrent Async and Normal Await Evaluation Blocks.

case... my idea ... an idea:

async function sum(variable1, variable2) => {
  const a = async getA(variable1);
  const b = async getB(variable2);
  /* ... */
  return   ?=== a(variable1)+b(variable2)>10 or "false";

sum(2, 3);// 2+3=5 // false
sum(10, 10); // 10+10=20 // true


  1. I use the ternary symbol inside async/await
  2. If the sum is greater than 10 I return true, if less than 10 I return false
