Try-catch oneliner

@claudiameadows, yes I totally agree with you, if a value is undefined, we got both results an error is undefined and a value is undefined. But shouldn't we understand first was exception caught or not?
In the code:

const {caught, value} = try readFileSync('some file');

// wait a minute, what if there was read error
// that says we have no permission to read file
if (!value)
  try writeFileSync('some file');

// we should definitely check was exception caught or not
// all our logic relies on this so the check will be one of
if (value instanceof Error)
  throw value;

// or
if (caught)
    throw value;

And again, value could be undefined, so we can't use instanceof, we should definitely check caught.

Undestand me right, I'like conception of Monad from Haskell, and the way Promises works, I just think that this implementation of Monad is not quite right, because the way how they works. If you talking about EatherMonad, it can be something like:

const eatherMonad = try readFileSync('hello');

eatherMonad(okFn, failFn);

// or

But we already have promises for this purpose: to have ability not use if statement. But current try implementations doesn't provide a way to avoid if, so I don't think that this can be compared to Monad.