
Please check out my idea to add a function to split an array into chunks:


It looks like this is successfully implemented as library code. What benefit do you see to moving it into Array.prototype?

I suspect mainly for better performance but it is also a common need for people. (I'd put it somewhere between .reduceRight() and .lastIndexOf() in terms of utility and use case.) I do want to point out that you could theoretically implement and friends in userland, too (and V8 did this for quite a while), so although it is reason to question, it's not reason to immediately dismiss.


I had a similar idea and I'm using a IMO slightly easier to read syntax:

Array.prototype.chunk = function(size) {
    return this.reduce((chunks, element, index) => {
        if (index % size === 0) chunks.push([]);
        chunks[chunks.length - 1].push(element);
        return chunks;
    }, []);

another varation since Array.push returns the new length of the array:

Array.prototype.chunk = function(size) {
    return this.reduce((chunks, element, index) => {
        chunks[(index % size === 0 ? chunks.push([]) : chunks.length) - 1].push(element);
        return chunks;
    }, []);

I do also believe that this extension can come in handy in various situations.

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@faxemaxee Yeah I did something similar yesterday while building a Web Application. I had this array that'll have lots of items in it, and I want to chunk them in tens. [ 50 items ] --> [ [10], [10], [10], [10], [10] ] so that I'll assign each ten to different objects as their share of the items.

A related chunk feature on Iterators has been presented to TC39 in January: GitHub - tc39/proposal-iterator-chunking: a proposal to add a method to iterators for producing an iterator of its subsequences

Can't you just do:

Array.prototype.chunk = function (size) { return Array.from ({ length: Math.ceil (this.length / size) }, (_, index) => this.slice (index * size, (index + 1) * size)); }

It’s a bad idea to modify objects you don’t own, especially builtins, so please don’t do that.