I've seen a few of these threads, but none that covers all the aspects of randomization I struggle with.
Randomization in JavaScript is very frustrating, and sometimes unusably slow (e.g. generating white noise or RGB noise). There is room for improvement here.
I usually find myself adding these functionalities:
- Balanced random.
randomFloat = () => Math.random()*2 - 1;
- Random range.
randomRange = ( start, end ) => start + Math.random() * (end-start);
- Random integer.
randomInt = ( start, end ) =>
parseInt( start + Math.random()*(end-start) );
- Seeded randomization. (Mulberry32 is my concise habit here.)
seededRandom = seed =>
( t = ( seed += 0x6D2B79F5 ) ) => (
t = Math.imul( t ^ t >>> 15, t | 1 ),
t ^= t + Math.imul( t ^ t >>> 7, t | 61 ),
( ( t ^ t >>> 14 ) >>> 0 ) / 4294967296
- Random array element selection.
randomArrayElement = array =>
array[ parseInt( Math.random() * array.length ) ];
- Random object value selection. (Very inefficient!)
randomObjectValue = ( object, keys = Object.keys( object ) ) =>
object[ keys[ parseInt( Math.random() * keys.length ) ] ];
(I have similar problems for Set and Map that similarly require generating and throwing away an array with every single call.)
- Filling a TypedArray with random data.
/* (Use WebGL or WASM. Too long to demo here.) */
But Most Crucially!
With iterator definitions, no standard interface exists for querying a "random" selection from the iterator's sequence.
(Obviously not all iterators could or should define a random-from-sequence selection interface, but in the cases where I need it, I have to avoid iterators completely. That requires tremendous foresight during planning, which makes it easier to simply avoid iterators from the start.)
Would it be possible to generally address JavaScript's problems with randomization?
Is my question too abstract? I could make a suggestion. Something like:
Random.int( 0, 42 ); //maybe returns 33
var a = new Set( [1,2,3,5] );
Random.entryFrom( a ); //maybe returns 2
var b = { "x":11, "y":22, "z":33 }
Random.entryFrom( b ); //maybe returns ["z",33]
Random could handle arrays, strings, shuffling, statistical distributions... I don't know. Whatever makes most sense and would be used most.
For iterators, there might be a [@@random]()
or [@@randomSkip]()
symbol or some such that Random.entryFrom()
could attempt to call, perhaps?