JS implicit copy or reference variable depend on thair type in function call. This new syntax essentially uniformize argument call behaviour. Moreover, it add an explicit syntax to change scope variable (eg.: for globals variables used by function of if blocks)
- Prevent hidden behaviour
- Simplify syntax for varaible copy (structuredClone)
- Better variable lifetime trace (possible optimisation for implementers)
This syntax introduce 2 new keywords
- move (move permanently a variable from a parent scope to a new child scope)
- copy (copy a variable from a parent scope to a new child scope)
Referenced variable can't be moved to prevent access to released memory space
If function use a key word in the declaration it is mandatory at call
Basic usage
//scope A
const a = /* any */
const b = /* any */
foo(move a, copy b) {
//scope B
a //can be accessed
b //can be accessed
a //reference error, a is not referenced
b //can be accessed
if (move b !== undefined) {
foo(move b)
b //reference error, b is not referenced
b //reference error, b is not referenced
Function declaration
function foo(move arg0, copy arg1, arg2) {
const a, b, c = [1, 2, 3]
Keyword are mandatory if declared in function arguments
Respecting keywords
foo(move a, copy b, c) //ok
Copy to move "cast"
foo(copy a, copy b, c) //ok, copy encapsulate move for call
Move to copy "cast"
foo(move a, move b, c) //ok, move equivalent to copy for call
To keywordless declaration "cast"
foo(move a, copy b, copy c) //ok
foo(move a, copy b, move c) //ok
No keyword to move "cast"
foo(a, copy b, c) //throws, foo require ownership for arg0
No keyword to copy "cast"
foo(move a, b, c) //throws, foo require a copy for arg1 (ensure non mutation of b)
copy a
is equivalent to structuredClone(a)
move a
de-reference a to all the parents scopes
Copy data
const source = /* any */
const sourceCopy = copy source
If block
let value
if (move value = foo()) {
//do stuff
value //out of scope
Legacy muting methods
const a = [1, 2, 3]
const b = (copy a).reverse()
//a is unchanged
Ressource access prevent
const ressource = /* */
function release(move ressource) {
release(move ressource)
//ressource not accessible anymore