If i get an example for UTF16EncodeCodePoint ( cp ) , it will help me to understand this topic. Thank you.
Example 1:
If cp is the code point U+0024 (DOLLAR SIGN), then the return value is the String consisting of the code unit 0x0024.
Example 2:
If cp is the code point U+1D11E (MUSICAL SYMBOL G CLEF), then the return value is the String consisting of the two code units 0xD834 and 0xDD1E.
Or if you're asking for examples of its use, see the places where it's used in the spec.
Thank you. correct me for doing this wrong work . May i know how to use in browser console. UTF16EncodeCodePoint(\u0024); Already tried to find answers upto my level best in google search but i am not able to find out.
You can't. Abstract operations in the specification, like this one, are not things which actually exist for use in JavaScript programs.
Thank you. Got some clarity. So "abstract operation" 11.1.4 Static Semantics: CodePointAt (string, position) differs from "method" String.prototype.codePointAt (pos).Is there any tool to check abstract operation which are not exist in javascript program?.
None of the abstract operations or syntax-directed operations are available to JavaScript programs.
Thank you.
You may be interested in npmjs.com/es-abstract
Thank you. I will check the given link.
Thank you. I got what i needed.