I would like to propose an addition to the Math namespace in future JavaScript versions, is this the right place?

I would like to propose that TAU should be added to the Math namespace in JavaScript:)

Is this a place where this can be discussed?

See my PR for referance:

Here is a comment i added in the PR:

10 Reasons why Tau is better then Pi

  • Intuitive Circle Calculations: Tau, which is equal to 2Ο€, simplifies calculations involving circles by providing a direct relationship between the circumference and the radius. This makes it easier to work with angles and radians in trigonometry and geometry.
  • Natural Trigonometric Values: Many important trigonometric values, such as sin(Ο€/2) and cos(Ο€/4), become simpler and more intuitive when expressed in terms of tau. It leads to more elegant and natural mathematical relationships.
  • Simplified Formulas: Numerous formulas in various branches of mathematics, such as calculus and Fourier analysis, become more concise and elegant when expressed using tau instead of pi. This simplification aids in understanding and applying mathematical concepts.
  • Visualizing Periodicity: Tau helps visualize periodic functions more intuitively. For instance, a complete rotation is expressed as Ο„ radians, making it easier to grasp the symmetry and cyclical nature of trigonometric functions.
  • Elimination of Half Angles: Tau eliminates the need for half angles, which can often complicate calculations. By using tau, we can avoid working with complicated fractions and make calculations more straightforward.
  • Improved Notation: Tau simplifies notation by eliminating many cumbersome factors of 2Ο€. This leads to cleaner and more elegant mathematical expressions, making it easier to communicate and understand mathematical concepts.
  • Consistency with Other Mathematical Constants: Several important mathematical constants, such as the Euler's number (e) and the golden ratio (Ο†), naturally align with tau rather than pi. Embracing tau provides a harmonious and consistent framework for various mathematical relationships.
  • Enhanced Teaching and Learning: Introducing tau in educational settings can simplify the understanding of trigonometry and other mathematical concepts. It enables students to build a more intuitive foundation, making mathematics more accessible and enjoyable.
  • Historical and Cultural Significance: The concept of tau predates pi and has historical and cultural significance in various civilizations. Embracing tau allows us to acknowledge and explore alternative mathematical perspectives and deepen our understanding of mathematical history.
  • Foster Mathematical Creativity: Tau opens up new avenues for exploration and creativity in mathematics. By challenging conventional thinking and encouraging alternative approaches, tau expands the possibilities for mathematical discovery and innovation.

Please see the Tau manifesto for more information! Or follow @tauday on twitter!

See Michael Hartl's presentation on Talks at Google!

It's been tried before, see https://esdiscuss.org/topic/math-tau#content-31 and https://github.com/tc39/notes/blob/ace580d512db32624bd74b843e0d9757278753cd/meetings/2014-07/jul-31.md?plain=1#L198-L200

Ok, but i am not suggesting Math.Ο„, but Math.TAU.

So its not quite the same?

Lets try again?

I was building an SVG sine wave, and I could not find Math.TAU when i was defining the sine period.

Let's not.

You can make an argument that tau is in some sense "better", if you ignore the social context. But you can't ignore the social context: everyone knows what pi is, very few people know what tau is. Even if you'd personally find it more convenient to use Math.TAU instead of (at the cost of one additional character) Math.PI*2, your readers are much more likely to understand the latter.

If someday a majority of mathematicians have switched to using tau, so that people would actually know what it means, then we can revisit after that. Not before then.

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(Also, please don't use ChatGPT to write posts.)

It's exactly the same; the rejection was based on the value, not whether the key was a greek symbol vs an english word.

(Also, please don't use ChatGPT to write posts.)


What was wrong with the value?

You have 2 * Math.PI, though, which is the same value.

Is it not more effecient though? You dont need the multiplication of 2*Pi when defining a sine/cos period.

If one letter makes a difference, (and is taken seriously), why shouldnt one multiplication matter?

This will not happen if someone does not step forward? Why cant this be JavaScript? Just like Google and Apple.

I just saw that Apple added tau to an app they made.

Try writing tau + 1 in Google search. Their calculator knows Tau…

It can't be JavaScript because mathematicians are not going to base their pedagogy on what you can write in JavaScript. So adding it to JavaScript will not actually cause the world to adopt it. Whereas if mathematicians actually started using it, then people would know what it means regardless of whether it's in JavaScript, and we can reasonably add it at that point.

It can't be JavaScript because mathematicians are not going to base their pedagogy on what you can write in JavaScript. So adding it to JavaScript will not actually cause the world to adopt it. Whereas if mathematicians actually started using it, then people would know what it means regardless of whether it's in JavaScript, and we can reasonably add it at that point.

What is the definition of a mathematician? I studied math and physics at university, does this count?

I also made a small MATH app with JS:



(trying to point out my interest in math, not brag)

In this context I mean the people teaching math to the next generation.

I taught math. And they were of a younger generation as well. So that makes me by your proposed definition a mathematician?

Sure. You will just need to convince a majority of your fellows.

Has it been taken into account that Python's math library, (widely regarded as the top scientific programming language) has supported Tau for 7 years already?