Implementation as Validation

I would like to see our standard implement blockchain-like call trees and threads, via the use of overlapping hashes, which guarantee next address[offset] and or memory access times required to execute a set of statements.

The resulting hash libraries are then mailed to either Microsoft, Mozilla, Antivirus Companies, etc. and registered BEFORE it is published for public venues, such as the web.

The following example guarantees Func_call001 is called immediately AFTER the for-loop

        let myRegisteredModule = new RegisteredModule( branch0, ... )
        myRegisteredModule.implements = () => { ... }
        myRegisteredModule.calls( ... ) or cached

let myRegisteredFunc_call000 = new RegisteredModule(  ) // 'E54A61BADEF108C' (cached)
let myRegisteredFunc_call001 = new RegisteredModule( myRegisteredFunc_call000 ) // 'B92A69BA0EE10FC' (cached)

myRegisteredFunc_call000.implements = () => {
    for (let i=0; i<MAX; i++) cached {
    myRegisteredFunc_call001.calls( )
    let a = 5 cached

The following example should throw an operating system run-time Error

myRegisteredFunc_call000.implements = () => {
    *** [ myRegisteredFunc_call000 EXPLOIT in which a new message call is passed to the program stack pointing to my malicious address '00000-MY-MALICIOUS-ADDRESS' ] *** // Error: Unexpected forward address! ['B92A69BA0EE10FC'] was expected.
    myRegisteredFunc_call001.calls( )
    let a = 5 cached