The omission of a catch of finally block seems far more likely to be a bug than intentional - what you propose would mean that bug silently swallowed an error.
The issue is that this proposed syntax addition is encouraging a bad practice, namely, taking any errors that occurred within the block and silencing them. Why would you want to do that? If there's a specific error that you're expecting, then catch that specific error and silence it. Re-throw all others. If you're not sure what errors you should expect, then you'll just have to figure it out. If you catch and silence everything, then you risk accidentally catching actual bugs and silencing those too, and that would be an extremely difficult situation to debug.
This is only 2 characters shorter than catch {}. Though this does sometimes get longer when working on a codebase with a linting rule against empty blocks. However I tend to leave a comment to assure the reader that this is intentional.