Promise class merge

Please, could you provide me some code, with class as interface thenáble therefore promises?

I actually wonder if theres something into it, because everything must be in promise, but I want this value of local promise chain, which I wouldnt have to pass by resolve, otherwise I am resolving with data all over again, I know it may be good for some things, but it seems strange to attach it there. So what about Promise with resolve reject this, promise being class itself, which would have this constructor, but could be used in new Resolver new Promise sentances or something...

But with actually being thenable and thisable at the same moment, so I can have a request and then promise chain out of operations on it, different, or something. This and then in one object period. Show me some code.

I think this comment is more appropriate under "I have questions":

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Can somebody move the thread?

I don't have permissions.

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