Hi, In terms to make multithreading easier I want to propose a new data structure.
Instead of proposing complex stuff, this structure looks as simple as possible.
So, the main idea is to have an array pool that contains Shared Array Buffers. (SABP next)
The whole pool can be shared as it is (without cloning, but as a reference) with other contexts (e.g. Workers, IFrames, etc.)
Each method of the proposed object works in a way as Atomics works.
So all the methods guarantee that they will be executed properly in each worker/context/etc.
Overall SharedArrayBufferPool API:
interface SharedArrayBufferPool {
// Number of allocated bytes by this object
allocatedBytes: number;
* Allocates new buffer at free array pool index
* Returns its index (uint32 or uint64, depending on OS or implementation)
allocate(byteLength: number): number;
* Reallocates a buffer at the provided index (in place)
* If a buffer does not exist at provided index, create a new one
* If newSizeInBytes is larger than the old buffer size, copy the old data and fill the new space with 0
* If newSizeInBytes is smaller than the old buffer size, slice the old buffer data
reallocate(index: number, newSizeInBytes): number;
* Deletes SharedArrayBuffer by an index.
* Returns true if deleted successfully, false otherwise.
delete(index: number): boolean;
// Return a buffer by an index, or undefined if buffer does not exist.
get(index: number): SharedArrayBuffer | undefined;
// ... other help methods
What does it solve?
The main idea is to minify worker synchronizations.
So all the workers can rely on this data structure as a memory container.
As it returns static indices of buffers, those indices can be used as pointers. (Instead of providing real pointers to the real RAM)
Here is a simplified example of a problem that SABP can solve:
// Worker.ts
interface TestData {
signal?: SharedArrayBuffer;
// Assume, the next properties are dynamically allocated
// {x: float32, y: float32, radius: float32}
circles?: SharedArrayBuffer;
// {x: float32, y: float32, width: float32, height: float32}
rectangles?: SharedArrayBuffer;
otherRuntime3DNodes?: SharedArrayBuffer;
const data: TestData = {}
const gl: WebGL2RenderingContext = offscreenCanvas.getContext("webgl")
const loop = async () => {
const signal = new Uint8Array(data.signal as SharedArrayBuffer)
await Atomics.waitAsync(signal, 0, 1) // Wait for a Render signal
if (data.circles) {
const arr = new Float32Array(data.circles)
drawAllCircles(gl, arr)
if (data.rectangles) {
const arr = new Float32Array(data.rectangles)
drawAllRects(gl, arr)
Atomics.exchange(signal, 0, 0); // Signal 0, e.g. UI signal
Atomics.notify(signal, 0); // Notify other
self.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
for (const key in e.data) {
data[key] = e.data[key]
if (data.signal) loop();
// Main.ts
import MyWorker from 'workers'
const worker = new MyWorker()
const data = {
signal: new SharedArrayBuffer(1)
const loop = () => {
if (Atomics.load(signal, 0) === 0) { // Signal 0, e.g. UI signal
Atomics.exchange(signal, 0, 1); // Signal 1, e.g. Render signal
Atomics.notify(signal, 0); // Notify other
UI1.onClick = () => {
if (!data.circles) {
data.circles = new SharedArrayBuffer(12 * 10); // 10 circles
UI2.onClick = () => {
if (!data.rectangles) {
data.rectangles = new SharedArrayBuffer(16 * 10); // 10 rectangles
As you might see from the code that to pass a new buffer to a worker we need to synchronize them through the postMessage
SABP allows us to prevent useless synchronizations and make code more straightforward declared.
Here is an example:
// Worker.ts
interface IMemory {
sabp: SharedArrayBufferPool;
signalBufferIndex: number;
objectsBufferIndex: number;
let mem: IMemory = {} as IMemory;
const gl: WebGL2RenderingContext = offscreenCanvas.getContext("webgl")
const loop = async () => {
const signalBuffer = mem.sabp.get(mem.signalBufferIndex);
const signal = new Uint8Array(signalBuffer as SharedArrayBuffer)
await Atomics.waitAsync(signal, 0, 1); // Wait for a Render signal
const objBuffer = mem.sabp.get(mem.objectsBufferIndex);
const buffers = new Uint32Array(objBuffer);// or uint64
for (let i = 0; i < buffers.length; i +=2 ) {
const bufIndex = buffers.at(i);
const geomType = buffers.at(i + 1);
const data = new Float32Array(mem.sabp.get(bufIndex));
if (geomType === 1) drawAllCircles(gl, data);
if (geomType === 2) drawAllRects(gl, data);
Atomics.exchange(signal, 0, 0); // Signal 0, e.g. UI signal
Atomics.notify(signal, 0); // Notify other
self.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
mem = e.data as IMemory;
// Main.ts
import MyWorker from 'workers'
const worker = new MyWorker()
const mem = new SharedArrayBufferPool();
const signalBufferIndex = mem.allocate(1);
// 4 byte (32 bit) * 2 values * 16 elements
const objectsBufferIndex = mem.allocate(4 * 2 * 16);
let circlesIndex = -1;
let rectsIndex = -1;
let shouldInsertCircles = false;
let shouldInsertRects = false;
const data = {
sabp: mem,
const loop = () => {
if (Atomics.load(signal, 0) === 0) { // Signal 0, e.g. UI signal
if (shouldInsertCircles && circlesIndex === -1) {
circlesIndex = mem.allocate(12 * 10) // memory for 10 circles allocated, a buffer is available in each worker already.
const objects = mem.get(objectsBufferIndex)
const buf = new Uint32Array(objects);
buf[0] = circlesIndex;
buf[1] = 1; // e.g. circles
shouldInsertCircles = false;
if (shouldInsertRects && rectsIndex === -1) {
rectsIndex = mem.allocate(16 * 10); // memory for 10 rectangles allocated, a buffer is available in each worker already.
const objects = mem.get(objectsBufferIndex)
const buf = new Uint32Array(objects);
buf[2] = rectsIndex;
buf[3] = 2; // e.g. rectangles
shouldInsertRects = false;
Atomics.exchange(signal, 0, 1); // Signal 1, e.g. Render signal
Atomics.notify(signal, 0); // Notify other
UI1.onClick = () => {
shouldInsertCircles = true;
UI2.onClick = () => {
shouldInsertRects = true;
This way, the UI thread doesn't need to send a postMessage
to all the workers to notify them about a new piece of memory.
So each new allocated/reallocated buffer already exists inside each worker.
This makes it easier to build real-time applications in a performant way.
Real app example:
3D multithreaded application.
UI (IO also) updates through the main thread.
Graphics renders through the 2nd thread.
Physics updates through the 3rd thread.
The UI thread captures all the events and persists them in a SharedArrayBuffer (a.k.a. Event Pool) and notifies the Render thread (to start the rendering process)
The physics thread works as a time-fixed process.
The render thread wakes up on a signal and updates all the 3D nodes based on an IO buffer and renders an image.
As rendering is done in a separate thread, there will be a whole 1 / 60ms (for 60 FPS) range to render a frame.
And the UI thread will not block if the render takes too long.
And the coolest part is that all the threads have access to the memory.
So all the threads can add/remove/resize/modify buffers without synchronizations through the postMessage
For example, UI can create an object through the creation of a new buffer.
Render/Physics threads will process that object on the next frame.
Thank you.