Shorthand To Initialize Private Class Property

Let's say we have a class called Person. Person has an age property that is private and is initialized through the constructor.

Like this:

class Person {

  constructor(age) {
    this.#age = age;

We have a lot of repetitions of age just to do something simple. I guess it'd be good to initialize it in the parameter area as we do in Typescript.

Like this:

class Person {
  constructor(#age) {}

We could also keep default properties there.

class Person {
  constructor(#age = 18) {}

Thank you :grinning:.


Yay! Our very old parameter properties. This is a much wanted feature. Maybe it'll happen someday. Also see: this

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Of course, if you abandon that OOP stuff and defect to the Functional side, we have all the good syntax:

const Person = ( age = 18 ) => ({});

I mean, look how beautiful this is:

const Person = ( age = 18 ) => ({

    announce: () => console.log( `I am ${age} years old.` ),
    grow: () => age ++,
    ascend: () => age = Infinity,


const centenarian = Person( 100 );

But, I think JS should support every programming paradigm, and decorators can't help here.
So, it's still a good idea. :+1:

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Hello @0X-JonMichaelGalindo,

I don't agree with that. In coding, every problem has a unique solution. You can't use the same technique to solve all your problems. This is kind of like "If all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail".

But thanks for agreeing :)

Obviously, I can't solve all my problems with real functional programming (immutability, no side effects). I just wish I could because in JS it has really beautiful syntax. That's all I meant.

OOP with classes in JavaScript (like most languages) has a boilerplate problem. Your suggestion helps.

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Sorry if I sounded rude. I was clarifying your statement for future readers because it sounded a little bit like what I said :)

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