Style Utilities

How to know the exact width of the string, as it would take in the Html before adding in dom?

The β€œwidth” of a string is an ambiguous notion. Do you mean: The number of bytes, the number of code points, the number of grapheme clusters, the number of pixels?

pixels to be specifiy

I believe the only way to know that in a browser is to actually show it to a user, at which point you can measure it.

Either way, that's an HTML question and not a JS language question.

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What i wanted to understand why JavaScript isn't supporting any style Utilities?It would be a great feature to get support of.

Currently there is no way to know the same.Browser shows the final output or can inspect.

Issue arise when i wanted to make text-field dynamic? as per the size the text-field should adjust automatically.

That would be impossible as it involves languages outside of JS.
Depending on the use case it might have to render the string as content inside a DOM (HTML) and measure it after that element has been sized with CSS.

In other words there is no solution that can give you an accurate answer using only JS

I know its impossible with JavaScript.
But isn't is a wise choice to add up style utilities to address the dimension of any element on a browser with some inclusive of dynamic behavior.

Document create element, width, document append child. In that order.