I think that is not possible, because this is currently valid code:
var template = String.raw`This is `
`in a `
The fact that it throws an error at runtime is kinda irrelevant. You can have tag functions that return functions, and those can then apply to subsequent chunks:
function foo(strings) {
console.log('foo', strings);
strings.forEach(s => foo.totalLength += s.length);
return foo;
foo.totalLength = 0;
var template = foo`This is `
`in a `
console.log(typeof template);
This makes 3 calls to foo. You would need to change that to just one, with the chunks concatenated in advance.
What about the alternative of allowing empty interpolations (${} → ${/* ... */}) and simply ignoring them for the purpose of template literal parsing? This would also carry the benefit of allowing template-level comments within arbitrary tagged template literals without needing the tag itself to specially handle empty strings or anything like that.
I would find treating ${} as if nothing was there a little weird.
> tag = parts => console.log(parts)
> tag`a${2}b${}c`
[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ] // expected result
[ 'a', 'bc' ] // actual result
There are some other options to solve the specific example that was originally brought up, for example, you can just concatenate raw strings together as follows:
const r = String.raw
const template = (
r`This is ` +
r`in a ` + // A comment
template === 'This is in a line.';
Some more complicated template tags will already support comments inside the template string. e.g. a css tag should support CSS-style comments.
As for wanting whitespace/comment support in regular expressions, check out this thread that's seeking to add a verbose flag for regular expressions, to provide this kind of support.
None of these things help with the general problem, but can help out in a handful of specific situations.