
[This post doesn't belong here and is definitely not worth reading.]

I think it would be nice to be able to perform Promise-based communication between threads, similar to the service worker's fetch resolution.

There is no special specification for this method name. I am aware that it may be confused with the existing Request object, and believe there is a better name.

Main thread script:

const requestWorker = new Worker("./path/to/worker.js");
const workerResponse = await requestWorker.postRequest({ a: 2, b: 3 }); // 5

Worker script:

self.addEventListener("request", e => {
    const { a, b } =;
    e.respondWith(a + b);

This may allow you to explicitly return the transferred object after certain processing is completed.

JS doesn’t have workers; you may want WHATWG HTML?

That's true, thanks for reminding me