I actually almost never use .splice() (I might use it for removing items, but I generally don't use it for insertion). I tend to prefer using other array methods to achieve the same result.
These are generally the solutions I reach for to avoid splice():
// removing one item in the middle of the list; (though I would probably use .splice() here)
myList = [...myList.slice(0, 2), ...myList.slice(3)]
// removing all items from a specific position to the end of the list;
myList = myList.slice(2)
// retrieving and removing a bunch of items at the beginning of the list;
const front = myList.slice(0, 2)
myList = myList.slice(2)
// adding one element in the middle of the list;
myList = [...myList.slice(0, 2), 'x', ...myList.slice(2)]
// adding several elements in the middle of the list;
myList = [...myList.slice(0, 2), 'x', 'y', 'z' ,...myList.slice(2)]
// replacing one element at a specific position of the list with a variable number of elements;
myList = [...myList.slice(0, 2), 'x', 'y', 'z' ,...myList.slice(3)]
The above solutions have the nice benefit that they don't modify the original array, and can be used to make functions more pure. If the performance is needed, then a .remove()/.insert() could be faster, although in-place modifications in the middle of an array is still a slow operation, and code that really needs the performance will sometimes be better off reaching for a linked-list.
I also find myself often creating little helper functions at the top of files where I need additional array operations that JavaScript doesn't provide. e.g.
const insertIntoArray = (array, index, items) => items.splice(index, 0, ...items)
The addition of .remove()/.insert() would be helpful and nice (Users of other languages would expect to find these methods, .splice() isn't readable, it can be more performant, it'll pair well with the existing .push()/.pop()/.shift()/.unshift() methods, etc). In general, I would welcome this addition to the language, but, at least for me in practice, I don't think I would use it all that much over the pure solutions I'm currently using instead.