Enhancing setInterval: Ability to Change Interval During Execution

I would like to propose an enhancement to the setInterval function, which is the primary tool for working with repeating timers in JavaScript.

Currently, the setInterval function does not allow the interval delay between function executions to be dynamically changed while it is running. To change the frequency of function calls, one must manually stop the old interval using clearInterval and start a new one with a new delay.

My suggestion is to add functionality that would allow the interval to be modified during execution of the setInterval function, without the need to restart the timer. For example, a method such as setInterval.setSpeed(newDelay) could be introduced, or some other flexible approach for real-time interval management.

This change would make working with timers more convenient and allow developers to manage execution logic more efficiently without having to restart intervals.

setInterval is not a part of the JavaScript language. It's currently specified in HTML, and also in node/WinterTC.