January 6, 2022, 12:28am
Hi! I run the yearly State of JavaScript surveys ( ) and I would love to start including the people involved in TC39 more! Right now there's an open GitHub thread discussing the contents of the next survey, and any feedback you might have would be extremely helpful!
opened 10:39AM - 22 Dec 21 UTC
(Outline WIP available [here](… /master/packages/stateofjs/lib/surveys/yml/js2021outline.yml)).
## Deletions
The two big changes I'm planning are to remove the "JavaScript Flavors" and "Data Layer" sections.
#### JavaScript Flavors
TypeScript has almost 100x the usage of any other options, so setting aside a whole section for this category feels a bit superfluous at this point. Technologies like Reason or Elm are still very interesting but maybe they have their place in a more targeted survey?
#### Data Layer
This has always been a somewhat nebulous category, and would probably be better served by library-specific surveys (how to manage state in React, how to manage state in Svelte, etc.).
#### Features
- async_await
- promises
- destructuring
- spread_operator
- arrow_functions
- local_storage
- fetch
(These are removed because they're pretty much at 100% usage and/or awareness so it doesn't make a ton of sense to keep asking about them)
- decorators (not actually implemented yet so not the best section for them?)
#### Libraries
- koa
- meteor
- hapi
#### Other Deletions
- Text Editors
## Additions
Since the deletions free up space, maybe we could add a new category such as **Animations and Graphics**? Or else just keep the survey shorter.
#### Features
- numeric_separators
- replace_all
- match_all
- logical_assignment
- promise_any
- array_at
- top_level_await
- page_visibility
- broadcast_channel
- geolocation
- file_system_access
- web_share
#### Libraries
- Solid
- Redwood
- Blitz
- Astro
- Eleventy
- Sveltekit
- Remix
- Vite
- Turborepo
- Tauri
- pnpm
- Vitest
I also want to open the discussion regarding which features/browser APIs should be included.