List of delegates?

Is there a list of TC39 delegates? I want to look through it to find an appropriate delegate to contact so I can ask them to become a potential champion for my proposal.

A list of current delegates can be found at As a non-delegate, you will not be able to see the entire list, just the ones who have chosen to make this role public.

Only members of the tc39 org can view that page. 404 for general public.

Finding a champion is hard. You have to contact a delegate of TC39, which keeps its members list secret. What is this, the Illuminati?

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Being a champion is hard - it takes a lot of time and effort, and it exposes one to lots of public scrutiny and attention, much of it negative.

While it's fine it such an opt-in list existed, what would you intend to do with such a list? Directly contact each person until you found a taker? That seems like a lot of potentially intrusive effort.

Many delegates already read this forum. If an idea does not get championed on its own, it is often because either no delegate has the time to take it on, or, it's not actually a workable, good, or motivating idea in the mind of a delegate who does have the time. labels as "Delegate", "Chair", etc, so perhaps that would work for you - but I'd suggest being very thoughtful about how you directly contact someone when asking them to devote a large amount of time and energy to something.


While it's fine it such an opt-in list existed, what would you intend to do with such a list? Directly contact each person until you found a taker? That seems like a lot of potentially intrusive effort.

Plan is to find one interested in GC or realtime JS.

There's also notes/delegates.txt at 8711614630f631cb51dfb803caa087bedfc051a3 Β· tc39/notes Β· GitHub, but it includes inactive delegates.

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Maybe we need something like tc39-members for delegates?

^ might be outdated.

Members are public; delegate info would have to be opt in, so it’d be a bit more complex to properly maintain.

My advice is to see who have been the champions of proposals into GitHub. By this way you can understand who might be most interested in your proposal.