Optional return

A common pattern for memoization is to check if a variable/property is undefined and, if not, return the value or, if so, calculate the value, and then assign/return it. The initial test is essentially the same as the tests that motivated optional chaining. But, why not extend optional chaining to return? Rather than:

if (this.#foo) return this.#foo;

we do

return this.#foo?

This seems like a very common pattern, couldn't possibly cause syntactic issues, since the ? would already be acceptable wherever this would be used (currently, always follwed by a chained property), and actually reads like what it means. I'm sure this must have been proposed before, but couldn't find it, so apologies in the likely case that this is a repeat.

return this.#foo?
 foo : bar;

Today that parses as a ?: conditional; with the new syntax ASI would trigger, turning it into an optional return followed by a labeled statement.

Do you have evidence that this is a common pattern?

Why is new syntax warranted to remove a few characters? What problem is this solving?

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return? seems more natural, instead of having to wait until the end of the statement to be told that we might not return.

Yup, fair enough point. That does make the proposed syntax non-viable as it essentially means one must end the proposed option return with a semicolon:

return this.#foo?;

which, of course, isn't true for any other syntactic elements, AFAIK (best practices are to end every statement with a semicolon but that's irrelevant, of course). Plus the ?; doesn't look that nice, anyway.

I guess the return? that aclaymore suggested might be more syntactically viable but that seems like a more significant change to the language (I had wrongly viewed my proposal as just a minor tweak to optional chanining). Almost certainly not worth the minor benefit.

I haven't done a lot of research on how common this pattern is elsewhere. I seem to hit it a lot, myself, and I guess I figured that if it were common there'd be a groundswell of support for the proposal. ;-) Maybe that's a bad way to use this discussion group? If so, sorry. It seemed to be a convenience in the spirit of optional chaining though, admittedly, less common.

In any case, Tab Atkins-Bittner pointed out a fatal flaw in the proposed syntax so not worth pursuing this any further.

There is already syntax support for this whole mechanism, not just the first bit that checks for and optionally returns a value:

return this.#foo ??= calculateFoo();

You don't actually want to optionally return, you will return this.#foo in all cases.

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