Question about module status for InnerModuleLinking

Under Modules/ModuleSemantics/Cyclic Module Records/Inner Module linking, bullet point 2. says:
2. If module.[[Status]] is one of linking, linked, evaluating-async, or evaluated, then
a. Return index.
Should the list include the evaluating state? I have a real-world scenario where A is evaluating, does a dynamic import of B, which then imports from A, which seems like it should return index, as it's well past the linking/linked states, but the spec seems to say no, and, FWIW, is enforced by V8 (following the spec, no doubt) in its debug build. The non-debug build doesn't enforce this limitation and it all works fine, as it seems like it should?

Is there a reason evaluating is excluded from bullet point 2.?

Dynamic imports are always async, even if there is no network/storage requests required.

Starts here:

Calls host:

Host callback:

Contine dynamic import:

Which sets up evaluate as a closure that is executed as part of Promise resolution. And Promises always execute their callbacks on an empty callstack.

So there is no re-entry into a synchronously evaluating module.